Windgate II is a quiet, pet-friendly community of brick townhomes in South Arlington. We’re a 10-minute walk to Shirlington Village and a 15-minute drive to downtown DC. Find out about Windgate II. See photos. Come visit! Find unit numbers by using this map.
Board Meeting - September
The August Board meeting is on Wednesday, 9/11 at 7:00 pm. Owners are welcome to attend and can find the Zoom link in their email.
Pool Closing & Ice Cream Social - 9/15
Ice Cream Social on Sun, 9/15 from 3pm to 4pm to mark the last day of the pool season! 
Back Railing Maintenance
Necessary repairs on some patio railings will be performed the week of 9/16 - 9/20, weather permitting. If you have a back railing, please keep your gate unlocked that week so the contractor can access the railing for repairs. You may confirm if your railing is part of this maintenance project by emailing NRP. 
Curb Painting Project
The yellow curb areas in the parking lots will be power-washed and repainted 9/23 - 9/26, weather permitting. Vehicles must be removed from these areas to avoid potential damage. Vehicles will be towed to another area if not moved by owners.
2024 Annual Mtg & Call for Candidates
The Annual Board Meeting will be on Thu, 10/17. There will be 2 seats up for election and the Board is looking for candidates. Owners were emailed and mailed a letter and candidate application form. 

Management Company
Send an email to NRP by going through the "Contact" page on this site.
The on-site manager works out of the pool house office on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays.

Can't find what you're looking for? Try A-Z Index.
The NRP Portal has work orders and more. Get access -- reach out to NRP through the "Contact Us" page.
Facebook group for Windgate II & III -- join the conversation!
Lost? Grab your phone and use this map.

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